Having watched the badgers hoovering up loose peanuts from the garden path, I wanted to see some more active foraging. I placed an upturned flower pot on the path with some nuts on top and a flat rock with nuts on top and underneath in the same place that I had filmed them before. 3 nights of appalling wind and rain followed with no visits to the site. Last night I got lucky and the little video clips have been assembled below. You can see how he had no trouble moving the props around.
On a technical note, the infra-red light on the trailcam has taken to cutting out after a few seconds probably as the batteries are getting a bit flat. Also, the brightness of the light is insufficient to give a very nice image. I took some technical advice from Mike Leigh-Mallory and Yusuf Akhtar and I have ordered an infra-red floodlight from eBay. I hope to drastically improve the lighting and we'll see if the video quality improves much. Watch this space!